
Magnificent Mosaics and Historical Memories

Online Lecture


Lecturer: Dr Brian Brennan
Date: Saturday 14 September, 2024
Duration: 1 hour
Start Time: 4.00pm AEST | 3.30pm SA | 2.00pm WA | 6.00pm NZST
Price: $25 AUD


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Ravenna, a small town on the Adriatic sea, is famous today for the shimmering Byzantine- style mosaics in its UNESCO world heritage-listed buildings.

An unassuming town, it boasts a long and fascinating history. Surrounded by marshes, Ravenna was important in Roman republican times for its naval base. However, in the 5th century, when faced with barbarian incursions in northern Italy, the Roman emperor Honorius selected Ravenna as an imperial residence.

It was at Ravenna in AD 476 that the last Roman emperor in the West was deposed by a Gothic war leader. Having seized the town, the Goths established their kingdom there, which subsequently flourished under the Gothic king, Theoderic, who developed his administration at Ravenna while ambiguously ruling in the name of the emperor in distant Byzantium. Yet after a war of reconquest under the 6th century emperor, Justinian, Ravenna was regained by the Roman empire, and remained in Byzantine hands until the 8th century.

In his inaugural lecture with Academy Travel, join historian Dr Brian Brennan to journey to a remarkable city filled with outstanding mosaics, treasures and powerful historical memories.


Your Expert lecturer

Dr. Brian Brennan is an historian with research interests in the world of Late Antiquity. Among his various publications are many articles on the Latin poet Venantius Fortunatus. The poet, who was born in northern Italy and studied in Ravenna, left this Byzantine city to seek patrons in Frankish Gaul. Brian has led numerous tours to ancient sites in Britain, France, Italy, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Israel and the Palestinian Territories. Currently he teaches short courses on the ancient world in the Centre for Continuing Education at the University of Sydney. He also presents talks on ancient topics aboard cruise liners in the Mediterranean and elsewhere.



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